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Pontoon-21 Awaruna Evo 3314 Flash Gold Belly Minnow
4.85 €
Рыбалка | Крючки | Одинарные Крючки Trout
VMC 7054 Worm Hook Ringed Крючки

Fishing style(s): Trout, Live Bait and Baitholder A strong model for big salmon-trout Designed for fishing with large worms such as red-worms Two barbs on the shank to keep bait firmly in place Legal How to fish Suggestion Suggestion popup link Fishing suggestion Suggestion popup content Concepts Custom popup content Technology Brands Regular Ring 2 Barbs on Shank Reversed (Offset) Forged Regular Barb Regular Wire 2 Slices on Shank Vanadium® Steel
Артикул Размер Цвет Шт/Упак 
7054-TR0006D1 6Black Nickel10 pc
5.65 €   5.10 €
7054-TR0004D1 4Black Nickel10 pc
5.65 €   5.10 €
7054-TR0002D1 2Black Nickel10 pc
5.65 €   5.10 €
7054-TR0001D1 1Black Nickel10 pc
5.65 €   5.10 €
7054-TR01/0D1 1/0Black Nickel10 pc
5.65 €   5.10 €